Physiotherapy is a part of the education during IX semester.
EDUCATIONAL FORMS AND METHODS USED IN THE COURSE: lectures, practical classes, seminars, tests, discussions, slides, multimedia presentations, diagrams, models, tests, clinical cases.
The Dental Physiotherapy course gives the possibility of acquiring knowledge and competence regarding to the general characteristics of the physical factors, their physiological and therapeutic effects, indications and contraindications for their use, different devices and appliances, diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention of the dental diseases which are also a part of the other dental subjects. These skills will enable the organization of diagnostic therapeutic and prophylactic activities in physiotherapy departments and private practices in accordance with European standards of healthcare.
This course consists of lectures that lasts 2 academic hours / 2 x 45 min. / Seminars lasting up to one academic hour, demonstration with durations up to 1 hour academic, practical exercises with patients with a duration of 1 academic hour per two weeks.
Successful graduates students will take semester practical and theoretical exam in dental physiotherapy.
The Aim of the course of Dental physiotherapy is to help students to acquire knowledge on the physiological and therapeutic effects of physical factors, indications and contraindications for use, devices, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.
The acquired competencies enable the organization of dental help in accordance with European standards for medical service.
1. Basic knowledge about medical and biological effects of physical factors used in dental physiotherapy.
2. Knowledge to operate with the equipment.
3. Acquiring methodologies for treatment of various nosological units with physical factors.
4. Knowledge and proper use of methods to protect the staff and patient from injuries during treatment with physical factors and from infectious diseases.
5. Ability for search and realization of technical assistance.
After completion of the education of Dental physiotherapy students should have acquired the following basic competencies:
- Physical diagnostics/EPT and TOD/ in dental diseases and their complications.
- To know and to use the equipment for diagnosis and treatment with physical factors.
- To establish a treatment plan.
- Correctly estimate the clinical condition of the patient and determine the indications and contraindications for treatment.
- To perform the planned treatment and competently monitor the dynamics of the results of treatment.
Continuous assessment - seminars, tests, discussions, clinical cases
Practical exam - one question of the Dental physiotherapy synopsis - practical exam, including demonstration of methods and apparatuses
Theoretical exam - one written and one oral questions of the Dental physiotherapy synopsis
Other forms - final term’s test
1. The practical examination in a Dental physiotherapy is conducted at the same day of the theoretical one- within 1 academic hour.
2. In case of failure to complete the practical work required by the department within the time set for the practical exam, the student takes a supplementary exam.
3. Students are not allowed to work overtime in other groups, including in the absence of a time to catch up.
4. All students with marks lower than 4.00 have to repeat practical examination in case of failure on their theoretical exam.
General principles of physical factors activity.
Light factors.
Treatment with ultrasound.
Physical methods of diagnosis in dentistry.
Physical methods of treatment and prevention of diseases of hard dental tissues, pulp, apical periodontal diseases, oral mucosa, tongue, periodontal diseases and surgical diseases.
The Department of Conservative Dentistry offers free-elective courses, accepted by the department council:
Topics: Application of lasers in Dental Physiotherapy.
Program:.7 lectures are planned. They reveal structure, types of lasers, application protocol of low and high energy lasers in the different fields of dental medicine. Lectures- 14 school hours, Credit- 1.
Teachers: Prof. Uzunov, Dr. Kalchinov, Dr. Dogandjiiska, Dr. Georgieva, ordinator and demonstator- Dr. Grozdanova. Guest lecturers- Prof. Vassileva, Dr. Sveshtarova, eng. Roshkev. Leading teacher- Prof. Uzunov.
1 Lecture: Physics of laser systems applied in Dental Physiotherapy.
2 Lecture: София.Technical structure of physiotherapeutic laser systems. Bulgarian laser systems created with the support of Faculty of Dental Medicine.
3 Lecture: Biological effect of lasers.
4 Lecture: Application of laser systems in cariesology and endodontics.
5 Lecture: Application of lasers in complex treatment of periodontal and mucosal diseases.
6 Lecture: Application of lasers in complex treatment of oral surgery diseases and implantology.
7 Lecture: Application of lasers in complex treatment in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics.
Duration: 5th course, summer semester.