The annual tuition fee for the academic year 2024/2025 for Dental Medicine - English language education is, as follows:




DENTAL MEDICINE in English language
1st and 2nd YEAR


9 000 EUR = 17 602,47 BGN
semester fee: 8 801,24 BGN

DENTAL MEDICINE in English language
3rd - 6th YEAR


8 000 EUR = 15 646,65 BGN
semester fee: 7823,32 BGN

The аnnual tuition fee shall be paid in BGN equivalent in two equal installments at the beginning of each semester.

Please, make sure that the transferred amount covers the tuition fee in BGN, regardless of any bank or exchange fees that might apply.

And must be paid in two equal installments at the beginning of each semester, but not later than 1 month after the beginning of the semester

Bank details: 
Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Dental Medicine 
BNB – Central 
IBAN: BG12BNBG96613100130401

  • As a reason of payment: your name, Faculty №, course, semester tax 

Students are required to register for the corresponding course/semester within 1 month of the beginning of the semester, in accordance with an announced schedule. 
Students who attend the additional session should register for the respective course within 1 week after the end of the last session day.

The academic year at the FDM (Faculty of Dental Medicine) is divided into two training periods, called semesters. Each semester is followed by an examination period, called an exam session. There are two regular exam sessions: in January and June, a September resit exam session, and one additional (payable) session.

Schedule of classes and exam sessions for the 2024/2025 academic year:

Winter semester 24.09.2024  -  10.01.2025
Winter semester I year 21.10.2024  -  07.02.2025
January Exam Session 14.01.2025  -  14.02.2025
January Exam session I year 10.02.2025  -  21.02.2025
Summer semester 24.02.2025  -  06.06.2025
June Exam Session 10.06.2025  -  11.07.2025
September Resit Exam Session 25.08.2025  -  12.09.2025


All classes (lectures, seminars and practical training) are mandatory. 
All missed classes should be compensated immediately or not later than the week before the last week of the semester
Compensating for missed practice is allowed only for valid reasons, evidenced by the respective document, and based on a written application submitted by the student. 
In case of up to 2 absences in a discipline, permission for compensation is granted by the Head of the respective department. 
In case of 3 absences in a discipline, permission for compensation is granted by the Vice Dean of Education and Students’ Affairs. 
In case of more than 3 absences in a discipline, but not more than 1/3 of the number of classes in the academic curriculum, permission for compensation is granted by the Dean’s Council. Students can compensate for missed practical classes upon payment of the relevant fee determined by the Academic Council - 30 BGN per academic hour. 
In case of absences more than 1/3 of the number of classes in the academic curriculum, the Dean proposes a resolution of the student’s standing to the Rector, based on a written application submitted by the student.

Students are allowed to sit for the semester examinations only upon a validated semester, certified in the students’ books with the signature of the respective course leader and the stamp of the Students office at FDM. 
Certification of the semester (End of semester signature) is based on attendance to lectures and practical classes, and fulfilment of all requirements for the disciplines included in the academic curriculum and program. 
Students whose winter semester is not certified interrupt their studies for the current academic year and re-enroll the same year of study during the next academic year, after paying the determined annual tuition fee. 
Students whose summer semester is not certified
interrupt their studies for the current academic year and re-enroll the summer semester during the next academic year, after paying the determined semester tuition fee. 
Suspension for an uncertified semester is allowed only once during the entire period of education.

The system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students includes:

  • Current examinations (planned and unplanned) – written examinations, oral examinations, tests, colloquia, clinical tasks.
  • Semester examinations – planned end of term sessions: January and June sessions, a re-sit September session and one additional session.
  • State examinations - Upon terminating their pre-graduate internship, students sit for six state exams - Prosthetic Dental Medicine; Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Conservative Dentistry; Pediatric Dental Medicine; Orthodontics and Periodontology.

Students have the right to sit for an exam no more than 6 times in each of the special dental disciplines for the entire study period.

Students' knowledge and skills are assessed according to a six-point grading scale, as follows: Excellent (6.00), Very good (5.00), Good (4.00), Satisfactory (3.00) and Failed (2.00). An exam graded with minimum grade “Satisfactory” (3.00) is considered successfully passed. 
Students are assigned credits in accordance with the requirements of Regulation № 21/30.09.2004 of the Ministry of Education and Science. 
ECTS credits reflect the knowledge and skills acquired in the disciplines, based on the results shown through various forms of examination (colloquiums, tests, exams).

Dental Medicine students at MU- Sofia are allowed to enroll in the next year of study with no more than 2 failed exams in disciplines different from the dental preclinical ones included into the study plan of the respective course. 
Students with failed exams in dental preclinical disciplines (Preclinics of Prosthetic DM, Preclinics of Conservative DM, Preclinics of Paediatric DM, Preclinics of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) retake the year due to poor performance, attend all classes and certify the semester for the disciplines with failed exams.
Students with more than 2 failed exams during the current academic year should retake the year due to poor performance and should attend all classes and certify the semester for the disciplines with failed exams.

Re-enrollment a year due to a number of failed exams or uncertified semester is allowed only once during the entire period of study.
Students in their 5th year of study are allowed to re-enroll the year regardless of the number of failed exams or retaken previous years.

Students have the right to interrupt their studies for: health and family, social or financial reasons.
Interruption of studies due to family, social or financial reasons is allowed only after the graduation of the first year.

Students who have interrupted their studies are allowed to sit for the failed exams if previous semesters have been certified.
Interruption of studies for any of the reasons is allowed once during the entire period of study upon a submitted student’s request to the Dean and represented officially translated documents, certifying the reasons for interruption.

Students are dismissed from the Medical University – Sofia and lose their rights in the following cases:

  • Failure to pay the statutory tuition fee within the defined deadline.
  • Cheating by using unauthorized information, materials, devices, sources or practices in completing exam tasks/questions, manipulating a student's book, forging a student card or a teacher's signature
  • Re-enrolled students failing on the exams from the year that has been re-enrolled.
  • Students who have interrupted their study due to an uncertified semester and cannot certify a semester again.
  • Any violation of the MU-Sofia Rules or the moral and ethical norms of conduct.

Students can restore their student rights once during the entire period of study upon a written request to the Dean of FDM, MU-Sofia. 
Students who have restored their student rights are required to attend all theoretical and practical classes of the disciplines in which they have failed and to receive certification of the semester before applying for an exam.


If you have any further questions, please contact us:

Students Office – Education in English Language

e-mail: , tel.: +359 2 954 27 30