Requirements for the authors


These requirements are in accordance with the Recommendation for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, Updated December 2013,, and "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Proposed for Printing in Biomedical Magazines" - N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309-15.
The manuscripts are presented in English, two copies on paper, A4 format with the signatures of all authors on the last page. On the last page – the full address, telephone and e-mail of the corresponding author must be indicated. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to coordinate the correction recommendations (made by the reviewers and editorial board) with all co-authors.
The materials should not be proposed for publication and have not been published in another journal, the principles of copyright and those of scientific ethics should not be violated. By submitting the manuscript, the authors automatically agree to grant the exclusive copyright to the Faculty of Dental Medicine - Medical University of Sofia if accepted for publication.
The materials and procedures used in the research must meet the ethical criteria established in experiments with humans or animals and comply with the Rules of Procedure of the Research Ethics Committee at Medical University of Sofia (KENIMUS) and be authorized by this committee. Patients should not be given names, initials or photographs by which they can be identified.
The authors are responsible for all statements, opinions, conclusions and methods of presenting the data from their research in the manuscripts.
The proposed scientific materials are published only after peer review and approval by the journal's Editorial Board.


Requirements for scientific materials

The following types of scientific materials are accepted for publication:
1. Original scientific articles - up to 10 standard pages / 30 rows, 60 characters on one page including tables, figures and other illustrative material and bibliography;
2. Scientific reviews - up to 15 standard typescript pages, including tables, figures and other illustrative material and bibliography;
3. Case reports - up to 3 standard typing pages, including tables, figures and other illustrative material and bibliography.
Manuscripts should be printed on standard A4 typewriter white paper (210 x 297mm).
Font: Times New Roman font, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, left and right margins - 2 cm; top and bottom 2.5 cm. Pages should be numbered bottom right;
First page:                                   
Title in bold, without abbreviations;
Full Name and Surname of all authors;
Footnote: the academic positions and academic degrees of the authors, affiliating institutions (Medical University of Sofia, Faculty of Dental Medicine and the corresponding department)

It should be on a separate page (separate file) with the authors and affiliation in the same way. Summary must be up to 250 words maximum. Summary should include introduction, purpose, material and methods, results, keywords (use terms cited in MEDLINE or Index Medicus headings).
The structure of the original scientific article. It should include: introduction, purpose and objectives, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions / conclusion, and bibliography. Indicate in the text the number of references cited in square brackets and in font size of the text itself, example: [1]. The presentation of material in absolute values, without statistical processing, is not considered scientific evidence. It is incorrect to duplicate the same material presented in a table and graph. The numerical information shown in the table should not be repeated in the text, but the information analyzed. Only standard conventional abbreviations may be used and abbreviations in the title and abstract are not allowed.
Tables, figures, photographs, diagrams and other illustrative materials should be given in the text and in a separate file (in electronic form).
Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals, starting with 1 in the order of their reference in the text. This numbering shall be independent of the numbering of the figures. The table title is centered above the table, for example: Table 1 - Mechanical Properties
The first word of the name of each column or row must start with a capital letter. When units of size are used in a column or row, they must be recorded in the middle of the column under the name of the columns in light font (in the Si system). The data must be presented in an easily understandable and transparent form. The use of large and complex tables should be avoided, for example by presenting data in two or more simple tables.

Statistical processing:
- Describe the statistical method, define statistical terms and use commonly used statistical abbreviations and symbols. Indicate the level of significance;
- It is obligatory to observe the conditional signs when filling in the grid of the table, namely: for promils, prodecimiles, etc. not semicolons, but a single character spacing. E.g. one million - 1,000,000;
- Give digital results except in derivatives (e.g. in percentages) and in averages.

Structure of the scientific review. It should constitute an analytical review of the literature on specific scientific topics related to dental medicine. Up-to-date information (50% of the last 5 years) must be presented in a logical sequence, and certain scientific data must be supported by scientific evidence cited in the relevant scientific articles. It is advisable to cite new methodologies, the volume of material studied, on the basis of which relevant scientific conclusions are drawn. Studies for and against the thesis as well as the opinion of the author of the review should be cited.
We recommend the use of the principles of meta-analysis when presenting review material on a specific scientific topic.

Structure of case reports. They should represent well-documented, interesting clinical cases. The article should be shorter (up to 3-4 pages). The introduction should be more extensive than the original scientific article, and there should be a brief literature review on the topic of the case presented. It should not follow the structure of a scientific article. The clinical case presented should follow the classic clinical trial and documentation scheme.

The bibliography is written in Latin and follows the text of the article. Each source is numbered in Arabic numerals and arranged sequentially according to the first author's surname. Important! Literary sources in Cyrillic should be translated in Latin (in English), with the title in square brackets, and finally the name of the country from which the magazine comes. The data is formulated as follows:
- Journals: Family name of authors. Title. The title of the journal/ foreign journals is given according to the accepted abbreviations in MEDLINE /, year; volume, (no ...), pages: ... - ... The names and initials of the first author and each of the next to sixth authors are displayed, followed by et al., If there are more authors. If there is a citation ID it can be displayed at the end.
Example: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002; 347 (4): 284-7.
- Books, monographs: Author / and /. Title. Place of publication / city /: publishing house; year of issue. pages. If there is an editor it fits in after the title.
Example: Peneva M, Tzolova E, Kabakchieva R, Rashkova M. Oral embryology, histology and biology. Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry. ed: East-West: Sofia; 2009 p. 232.
- Book chapter and non-periodical articles: Author (s). Head Title. In: Author (s). book title. Sequence of the edition. Place of Issue / City /: Publishing House; year of issue. pages / from-to /.
Example: Krasteva-Panova, A. Summary of changes in oral cavity and subjective complaints. In: Krasteva-Panova, A, A. Kisselova-Yaneva, B. Girova, Vl. Panov, Ad. Krateva, An. Beans. Edited by Zahari Krastev. Oral lesions. Sofia: Ivan Sapundziev; 2011. p. 240-248.
- Dissertations: Family name, first name and last name. Title followed by explanation in middle brackets [dissertation]. City, year.
Example: Kirov Dimitar Nikiforov, Diagnosis and prevalence of temporomandibular disorders. [dissertation]. Sofia, 2014
From Internet:
a / ebook - Family name. Title. [Online]. - Headquarters, (electronic) publishing, year of publication. Available from: <full web address> [last visited date].
Bergman, Ronald A., Adel K. Afifi, Ryosuke Miyauchi. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation. [Online]. - Last rev. 2006. // Anatomy atlases: A digital library of anatomy information. Curated by Ronald A. Bergman. 1995-2011. Available from: <> [05/25/2011].
b / institutional web site - Example: World Health Organization. Home page. 2011. Available from: <> [05/25/2011].
Online / Post - Example: The International Pharmacopoeia. 4th ed. (incl. First Supplement). WHO, 2008. Available from: <> [05/25/2011].
The report was prepared according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals: Sample References. More details can be found on the relevant site.