


Application - Bulgarian citizens
Training for specialty attainment for persons with a professional qualification "Doctor of Dental Medicine" is carried out based on an order of the Rector of MU-Sofia.
MU-Sofia announces on its website the resident vacancies for persons with a professional qualification "Doctor of Dental Medicine". The admission is done via competition in order determined by the higher education institution.

Application documents must be submitted to the Rector of the Medical University - Sofia:

Department of Postgraduate Education and University Hospital Coordination
1431 Sofia, "Acad. Ivan Geshov"
Floor 12, Room 8
Head of Department: K. Gavrilova - (02) 954 11 18
Experts: (02) 915 21 36, (02) 915 21 34


Application - International Citizens
Doctors of Dental Medicine - nationals of a State member of the European Union, other countries of the European Economic Area and Switzerland, who have acquired their professional qualifications in a country other than the Republic of Bulgaria, and third-country nationals may begin training to acquire a specialty after verification of their professional qualifications under the Professional Recognition Act and passing a Bulgarian language proficiency test, following Art. 89, par. 2 of the Law on Recognition of Professional Qualifications.
International citizens other than the above listed can apply for training for specialty attainment in the healthcare system under the following conditions:
1. Know Bulgarian and the professional terminology in Bulgarian, established by the rules of the ordinance under art. 186, par. 3, item 1 of the Health Act;
2. Have their professional medical qualification verified following the Law on Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the cases under Art. 186, par. 3, Vol.2 of the Health Act, or
3. They have successfully passed the exam in the cases of art. 186, par. 3, v. 3, the letter "A" of the Law on health.