Order by the Dean
October 29, 2020
№ 402 / 28.10.2020
Regarding decision № 609 of the Council of Ministers from August 28th 2020, for extending the emergency epidemic situation, Order of the Minister of Health № RD-01-626 / 27.10.2020 and Order of the Rector of the Medical University - Sofia № RK36- 4079 / 28.10.2020
I. For the period from 29.10.2020 to 12.11.2020 including:
1. Suspension of the current teaching process at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU - Sofia.
2. Within the aforementioned period, the lectures and practical exercises of students and interns shall be conducted online (distance education), on the platform of MU - Sofia Google Classroom.
3. During the period of distance education, interns shall plan and prepare the documentation of the patients, approved for complex treatment.
4. Suspension of the activity of the reception office in FDM, MU - Sofia
5. Cessation of patient admission to the clinical exercises of students, CIDM (Internship base) and the trainees offices.
6. Cessation of patient admission to all dental offices in the building of, FDM, MU – Sofia
7. Physical distance of at least 1,5m between the backs of the nearest chairs from two tables is required in the eating areas at FDM, MU-Sofia. Over 6 people are not allowed to be seated at one table .
8. All teachers and employees should continue work according to their obligations in all activities and departments, the terms of which are unchangeable. The Heads of all departments shall organize the work process avoiding the gathering of a large number of people indoors, providing an attendance schedule.
II. Heads of the Departments shall continue their activities to ensure and observe the compliance of all anti-epidemic measures, declared in the previous order of the Dean of FDM,MU-Sofia.
The control over the execution of the order shall be assigned to: Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs, Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU – Sofia - Prof. Laura Andreeva, and Vice Dean of Academic affairs Assoc. Prof. Emilia Karova.
This Order should be brought to the attention of all officials, employees students and trainees.
D E A N:
Prof. Dr. B. Yordanov, PhD