The requirements and procedure for specialty attainment in the healthcare system and its financing are regulated by Ordinance No.1 of 22.01.2015 at the Ministry of Health, ref. DV. Issue 7 of January 27, 2015, amend. and ext. DV. 83 of 27 October 2015, Suppl. DV. Issue 88 of November 8, 2016, amend. and ext. DV. Issue 58 of 23 July 2019.
Nomenclature of specialties in the healthcare system for physicians with professional qualification "Doctor of Dental Medicine" is described in annex No.1 to Ordinance No.1 of 22.01.2015 of the Ministry of Health. At FDM - MU Sofia theoretical and practical training is conducted in the following specialties:
Specialty attainment requires theoretical and practical training in the relevant discipline and ends with a state exam (practical and theoretical) before a state examination committee. The training for a specialty and the state exam is conducted in Bulgarian.
In addition to the theoretical and practical training, the Faculty of Dental Medicine conducts theoretical courses only for residents admitted for practical training in accredited faculty bases, who have a contract with the Medical University - Sofia.
Surgical practical training is divided into modules and sections, some of which are not held at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and take place at another hospital - training base. The terms and conditions for conducting this training shall be specified in a contract between the specialist training base and the host hospital or institution of higher education. The host hospital or institution of higher education issues a Certificate of Attendance for each module or section of the course program.