Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine


In the department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine, students are taught in three disciplines - "Dental Materials", "Preclinical of Prosthetic Dental Medicine" and "Clinical of Prosthetic Dental Medicine".

1. The course in "Dental Materials" provides knowledge about the origin, fabrication process, composition and properties of the materials used in dental medicine. Contemporary concepts and advancements in the manufacturing of dental materials, as well as their implementation in the daily practice according to the European standard of healthcare, are also a part of the program.
The course is taught in two semesters - I and II and includes 30 hours of lectures and 30 hours of practical exercises.

2. The course in "Preclinical of Prosthetic Dental Medicine" provides knowledge about the morphological and functional characteristics of the masticatory apparatus, the structure and fabrication process of prostheses. The theoretical ground of the course is based on the latest achievements in dental materials and technologies in prostheses manufacturing. During practical exercises, students fabricate basic prostheses and acquire competencies for thorough implementation of prosthetic dental care.
The course is taught in four semesters - I, II, III, IV, and includes 75 hours of lectures and 240 hours of practical exercises.

3. The course in "Clinical of Prosthetic Dental Medicine" provides knowledge about diagnostics and treatment of dental diseases, requiring prosthetic restoration. The course includes prophylaxis of diseases of the masticatory apparatus and restorative methods for impaired mastication, speech, and esthetics. Students acquire competencies in application and planning of various prostheses for the restoration of occlusal and periodontal equilibrium of the masticatory apparatus.
The course is taught in six semesters - V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X, and includes 105 hours of lectures and 300 hours of practical exercises.