
Prof. Davide Faronato, PhD at FDM

December 4, 2024

The Faculty of Dental Medicine continues the implementation of the project of the Medical University BG-RRP-2.004-0004-C01 "Strategic Research and Innovation Program for the Development of MU - Sofia".

As part of the project, a lecture series has been organized under the initiative “World Dental Lectures in FDM Sofia.”

On November 29, the second lecture on the topic "Implants and aesthetics: long term strategies in the aesthetic area" was presented by the guest lecturer Prof. Davide Faronato, DDs, PhD, PD, AP - a well-known scientist and specialist, an active member of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration, a founding member of SISCOO (Italian Society of Oral Surgery Specialists), a professor at the University of Insubria, Italy, President of the Dental Hygiene School and Director of ITEB Research (Center of Innovative Technology and Engineered Biomaterials).

In his lecture, Prof. Farronato emphasized strategies for achieving predictable and stable aesthetic results in dental implant treatment and how to manage the key variables that influence the aesthetic maturation of tissues around implants over time. The complex interactions between these factors were analyzed and new philosophies for tissue management were presented from both surgical and prosthetic perspectives, aiming to achieve optimal and stable soft tissue shaping.

Students were introduced to planning the behavior of soft tissues after grafting and managing these tissues through the implant emergence profile.

In the near future, by the end of the year, Prof. Valentin Dzhonov, PhD will present a lecture on December 17, 2024. More detailed information on the topic will be announced in due time on the website of the Faculty of Dental Medicine - Sofia.