Oral Embryology, Histology and Biology
„Oral Embryology, Histology and Biology“ is taught in the following semesters: IV and V.
Forms and methods of training: lectures, seminars, microscopic observation, drawing of observed elements.
Course in “Oral embryology, histology and biology” provides opportunity to acquire a basic knowledge about oral embryology, histology and biology, the development of teeth, eruption and shedding of the teeth, abnormalities in the morphology and physiology of the dental structures, oral physiology, oral ecosystem, and oral defense mechanisms in childhood.
This knowledge is forming the basis for the acquisition of competence to organize and implementation of prevention of oral diseases, and correct choice of treatment methods.
Adoption of detailed basic knowledge of embryology, morphology and physiology of the oral structures and oral physiological processes.
- To obtain basic knowledge in embryology of the oral structures;
- To obtain basic knowledge in morphology of the oral structures;
- To obtain basic knowledge in physiology of the oral structures;
- To know the dynamics of development of the temporary and permanent teeth;
- To know the anatomical and physiological differences between temporary and permanent teeth;
- Be aware of anomalies in tooth development;
- To know the composition of oral liquid physiological content and its role in the oral physiology;
- To know the genesis of the oral ecosystem and dynamics of the childhood;
- To know the basic oral defense mechanisms.
Aids in teaching: Multimedia presentation, schemes, tests, microscopic preparations.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of anatomy, histology and physiology.
- To know all the processes taking place in every stages of the oral embryology;
- Be aware of the microscop slide and describe each stage of the oral embryology;
- To have a detailed knowledge of the morphology of oral structures;
- To have a detailed knowledge of the fisiology of oral structures;
- To know the terms in the dynamics of the dentition;
- To know the causes and mechanisms for the occurrence of abnormal development of teeth;
- To know the composition and the role of the saliva and characteristics in childhood;
- To know the mechanisms and dynamics in the formation of the oral ecosystem;
- To know the protective oral mechanisms and characteristics of child immunity.
Continuous assessment, tests, colloquia, practical exam
Aspects of assessment:
- Participation in discussions;
- Tests;
- Description of microscopic preparations;
- Result of exam.