Department „Pediatric dental medicine” was established in the middle of the ХХ century and the subject matter of the research work is the design, physiology and pathology of oral cavity from the beginning of human life until turning 16.
In 1947 they introduced for the first time profiled tutoring of Pediatric dental medicine in the Ward of Pediatric dentistry to the Department that was outlined in 1946 of therapeutic dentistry headed by Prof. Dr. D. Stranski.
In the beginning of the tuition of Pediatric dental medicine it included only clinic of Pediatric dentistry. Gradually the tuition extended into the area of embryology of maxillofacial area and dental structures, then pre-clinical tuition was introduced and two subjects were established in the department – Propaedeutic of Pediatric dental medicine and Clinic of Pediatric dental medicine. In 2007 a third subject was created – „Dental prophylactics”.
Prof. Dr. Dinko Nikolov Stranski, DSc
The first head of the department of Pediatric dental medicine - 1962-1976.
Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Sofia - 1956-1957; 1962-1964.
1934 - Graduated dentistry in Istanbul
1954 - Associate-Professor in Department of Pediatric dental medicine
1958 - Professor in Department of Pediatric dental medicine
1953 - scientific degree PhD
1967 - scientific degree DSc
In 1962 Department of Pediatric dental medicine was established to the Dental faculty – Sofia headed by Prof. Dr. D. Stranski and assistants - Dr. M. Banchev, Dr. N. Levi, Dr. D. Maslinkov and Dr. Z. Kolimechkova.
The Department in 1965
Prof. Dr. Marin Ivanov Vutov, PhD – Head of the Department in the period 1976-1977; 1987-1990.
1922 – Born in village of Telish, region of Pleven, BG
1948 – Graduated dentistry in the Medical faculty of Sofia university
1960 – scientific degree PhD
Dissertation, degree PhD. Vutov, M. I.: Development and character of the dental assistance in the Republic of Bulgaria from 9.IX.1944 until 1956.1960, FDM, MU-Sofia, рр. 155.
Prof. Dr. Dimitar Petrov Maslinkov, PhD – Head of the Department in the period 1977-1984; 1988-1990.
1929 – Born in Bourgas,BG
1953 – Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1955-1958 – Full-time post-graduate student to the Department of „Therapeutic dentistry” – ward of Pediatric dentistry, FDM, MU-Sofia
1960 – Assistant in Department of Conservative Dentistry, FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1974 – Associate-Professor in Department of Pediatric dental medicine, FDM, MU-Sofia
1962 – scientific degree PhD
Dissertation, degree PhD. Maslinkov, D. P. Local fluor prophylactics of dental cavities – experimental and clinical research works.1961, FDM, MU-Sofia, рр.182.
Prof. Dr. Mincho Mitev Banchev, PhD - Head of the Department in the period 1984-1987.
1923 – Born in Village of Berievo, region of Gabrovo, BG
Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1953 – Assistant in Department of Pediatric dental medicine, FDM, MU - Sofia
1986 – Professor, FDM, MU - Sofia
1964 – specialty „Conservative Dentistry”
1965 – scientific degree PhD
1970-1973 – Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Sofia
1974 – Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Plovdiv
1986 – Head of the Department of Pediatric dental medicine, FDM, MU - Sofia
Dissertation, degree PhD. Banchev, M. M.: Concerning some issues of pathogenesis, clinic and treatment of temporary teeth’ cavities. 1965, FDM, MU – Sofia, рр. 193.
Prof. Dr. Nikola Petrov Atanasov, PhD - Head of the Department in the period 1990-1999.
1939 – Born in Sofia, BG
1963 – Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1967 – Scientific collaborator in the R&D Dental Institute
1974–1977 – Assistant and Associate Professor in Department of Pediatric dental medicine, FDM, MU-Plovdiv
1976 – Associate-Professor in Department of Pediatric dental medicine, FDM, MU-Sofia
1999 – Professor, FDM, MU-Sofia
1974 – scientific degree PhD1994–1999 – Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Sofia
Dissertation, degree PhD. Atanasov, N. P.: Fluor prophylactics with Mericleri mineral water.1974, FDM, MU-Sofia, рр. 287.
The Department in 1992
The Department in 2012
The secretary and nurses of the department