Dental Public Health




„Dental Public Health“ is taught in the following semesters: V and VI.
Forms and methods of education: lectures, seminars, discussions, solving cases, implementation of a task, colloquium.

The DPH course gives an opportunity for gaining theoretical knowledge and competence about:

  • Structure and organization of National healthcare system and Dental healthcare service in Bulgaria and European countries;
  • Current legislation concerning public health services and dental care;
  • Dental health as an inseparable part of general health; indices of public health; epidemiology, promotion of dental diseases;
  • Organization of the treatment-prevention processes in dental practice – ergonomic standards  for dental office planning and equipment and for organization of the treatment activities;
  • Basic knowledge on professional risk factors and their prevention;
  • Opening and management of a dental practice;
  • Health promotion and improvement of oral health at an individual, family and social levels.

Creating basic knowledge about the essence, structure, governance, financing and legal regulation of dental health services and skills for organization and management of dental practice.


  • Creating basic knowledge on the nature, structure, governance, financing and legal regulation in dental healthcare entities;
  • Creating basic knowledge about the main characteristics of dental health, trends on the development and structure of dental diseases and connected with it change in the model of dental care needs and barriers for it’s using;
  • Forming knowledge about the main principles connected with making and estimating public based dental programs;
  • Creating basic knowledge about organization and conducting epidemiological research in dental medicine, making statistical analyses and assessment of basic statistical indexes;
  • Creating abilities for organization and conducting empirical sociological research in dental medicine;
  • Creating knowledge and skills for controlling professional risks in dental practice;
  • Creating abilities for putting ergonomic principles and standards into practice while planning and equipping dental office and organizing treatment-diagnostic process.

Forming of marks:

  • giving marks for students’ activity during the course;
  • colloquium;
  • examination during the summer session.