The founder of the planned treatment and teaching in maxillofacial surgery, and subsequently of dental education in Bulgaria, is Prof. Dr. Sl. Davidov. Back in 1930, after completing his dental and medical education in Germany, he was a teaching assistant in Leipzig and defended his doctorate. In 1940, he was the Head of the Department of Odontostomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Surgical Clinic at the Medical Faculty of Sofia University, also known as Second Surgery, at that time directed by Prof. Dr. Al. Stanishev.
In 1942, by Royal decree, a dental division was established at the Medical Faculty of Sofia University. The first department in it was Operative Dentistry and Orthodontics headed by Assoc. prof. Davidov. In 1946 was the first full professor to be elected. In 1951, the dental division at the Medical Faculty grew into the Faculty of Stomatology. Until 1970, when he retired, Professor Sl. Davidov is the head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, then a consultant there till his death in 1981.
One of the first collaborators of Prof. Dr. Sl. Davidov is Dr. Delcho Nastev - a graduate from Germany. In 1948 he was habilitated as an associate professor and in 1951 he headed the Sector of Surgical Dentistry at the National Research Institute until 1958. In 1954, he became a full professor, heading the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery in Berlin, where he worked until his retirement in 1973.
In 1975 the Faculty of Stomatology and the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, respectively, were based in a new building at No1 Georgi Sofiyski Blvd.
Since 2007 the department has a new name - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Heads of the department have been: Prof. Sl. Davidov, Assoc. Prof. Mikhail Devetakov, Prof. Konstantin Anastasov, Prof. Kichka Georgieva, Prof. Apostol Stratiev, Prof. Nikola Polichronov, Prof. Radomir Ugrinov.
In 2000, the stationary of the Department of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery was separated from it, and the University Specialized Hospital for Maxillofacial Surgery was established and registered under the Commercial Law as an EOOD. Until 2005, the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery uses the facilities of the aforementioned for educational purposes.
On May 31, 2005, at the University Hospital "St. Anna” the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology was founded, headed by Prof. R. Ugrinov. Until 2016, the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery uses both hospitals to train students and postgraduates.
In 2016, the Department of Facial and Maxillofacial Surgery was established at the University Hospital "Alexandrovska", where students and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residents are now trained.
Prof. Dr. Slavcho Mihaylov Davidov, PhD, DSc
Head of the Department in the period 1940-1970
15.04.1905 – Born in Kyustendil, BG
1929 – Graduated dentistry in Leipzig
1935 – Graduated medicine in Leipzig
1940 – He was the head of the first division of Odontostomatology and maxillofacial surgery to the Department of surgery of the Medical Faculty, also known as II surgery, headed by professor Stanishev.
1942 – After the foundation of the Dental Division to the Medical Faculty of Sofia University, he was nominated for first lecturer in it.
1943 – Associate-Professor, FDM, MU-Sofia.
1943-1970 – head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
1946 – Professor, FDM, MU - Sofia
1935 – scientific degree DSc
Dissertation, degree PhD. Davidov, S. M.: Fixed dentures,1929, FDM,MU-Sofia.
Dissertation, degree DSc. Davidov, S. M.: Periodontiumwith special concerns of the digestive tract disorders, being a dental aspect. 1935, FDM, MU-Sofia.
Assoc. Prof. Lilo Nonchev Borimechkov, PhD
Head of the Department in the period 1970-1971.
1922 – Born in Sopot, BG
1950 – Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1951 – Assistant in Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, FDM, MU-Sofia
1963 – scientific degree PhD
Dissertation, degree PhD. Borimechkov, L. N.: Concerning the issue of bone mandibular plastics /experimental and clinical observations. 1963, FDM, MU-Sofia, рр.256.
Prof. Dr. Konstantin Yordanov Anastasov, PhD
Head of the Department in the period 1972-1977.
1926 – Born in Paris, Franse
1951 – Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1951 – Junior scientific collaborator in Maxillofacial surgery to the R&D Dental Institute to the former ISUL.
1957 – Senior scientific collaborator ІІ degree and head of section in Maxillofacial surgery to the R&D Dental Institute, Sofia
1965 – Associate-Professor to ISUL
1969 – Senior scientific collaborator І degree to ISUL
1970 – Professor, ISUL
1970 – Head of department to ISUL
Until 1977 after the integration and establishment of the Medical Academy – professor to the Faculty of Dental Medicine and head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery.
1958 – scientific degree PhD
Dissertation, degree PhD. Anastasov, K. Y. Concerning the problem of acute odontogenic infection. 1958, FDM, MU-Sofia.
Prof. Dr. Kichka Georgieva – Tancheva, PhD
Head of the Department in the period 1977-1990.
1930 – Born in Haskovo, BG.
1952 – Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1952 – Junior scientific collaborator to the section of surgical dentistry of the R&D Dental Institute, Sofia
1965 – Associate-Professor to ISUL
1965 – Senior scientific collaborator ІІ degree
1970 – Senior scientific collaborator І degree
1973 – Professor in Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, FDM, MU-Sofia
1977-1983; 1988-1989 – Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Sofia
1977-1989 – Head of the Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, FDM, MU-Sofia
1983 – Vice-Rector of the Medical University - Sofia
1963 – scientific degree PhD
Dissertation, degree PhD. Georgieva–Tancheva, K.: Intrabonal metal osteosynthesis when treating mandibular fractures. 1963, R&D Dental Institute, Sofia.
Prof. Dr. Apostol Petrov Stratiev, PhD, DSc
Head of the Department in the period 1990-1994.
1929 – Born in Haskovo, BG.
1952 – Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1968 – Graduated FM, MU-Sofia, BG
1962 – Assistant in Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, FDM, MU-Sofia
1978 – Associate-Professor
1989 – Professor, FDM, MU-Sofia
1973 – scientific degree PhD
1989 – scientific degree DSc
1990-1994 – Head of Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, FDM, MU-Sofia
1990-1993 – Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Sofia
Dissertation, degree PhD. Stratiev, A. P.: Concerning the diagnostic capacities of sialography in the case of diseases of the parotid gland and the submandibular salivary gland. 1973, FDM, MU-Sofia.
Dissertation, degree DSc. Stratiev, A. P.: Results of the surgical treatment in the case of tumours of the salivary glands. 1989, FDM, MU-Sofia.
Prof. Dr. Nikola Iliev Polihronov, PhD, DSc
Head of the Department in the period 1995-1999.
1938 – Born in Manastir, Varna district, BG
1962 – Graduated FDM, MU-Sofia, BG
1967 – Assistant in Department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery, FDM, MU-Sofia
1982 – Associate-Professor
1989 – Professor, FDM, MU-Sofia
1978 – scientific degree PhD
1993 – scientific degree DSc
Dissertation, degree PhD. Polihronov, N. I.: Concerning the issue of strengthening the mandibular fractions. 1978, FDM, MU-Sofia, рр. 166.
Dissertation, degree DSc. Polihronov, N. I.: Reconstructive surgeries of mandibular bones in the case of deformations.1993, FDM, MU-Sofia, рр. 295.