Dr. Irina Kalinova Tsenova-Ilieva, PhD
Work experience:
- 2015-present – Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry, FDM, MU-Sofia;
- 2014-present – Doctor of Dental Medicine.
- 2018-present – Postgraduate student „Operative dentistry and endodontics”;
- 2008-2014 – Master’s degree in Dental Medicine, FDM, MU-Sofia;
- 2003-2008 – High School education at 31 Secondary School for Foreign Languages and Management "Ivan Vazov", Sofia.
Scientific activity:
- Authorship of 5 articles in international journals, 2 articles in Bulgarian journals;
- Co-authorship of 2 articles in international journals;
- Active participation in dental congresses: 11th International Sofia Dental Meeting, 28th Annual Assembly of IMAB, 3rd International Biomedical Congress, 19th Scientific Congress of BgDA.