Assoc. Prof. Elka Nikolaeva Radeva, DMD, PhD

- 2020 – Chairman of the General Assembly of the Faculty of Dental Medicine-Sofia;
- 2022 – President of the Bulgarian Scientific Dental Association;
- 2022 – Vice president of BgDA;
- 2022 – President of the Communication Commission of BgDA
Work experience:
- 29 years professional experience at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Sofia;
- Currently - Associate Professor, PhD, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Sofia;
- July 1993 - December 1993 - general dentist at Kazichene Health Care Center, Pancharevo Municipality, Sofia.
- 2017 - Masters degree in Public Health and Health Management, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University-Sofia;
- 2012 - PhD on the topic: "Therapeutic treatment of microflora and pain in the initial phase of acute apical periodontitis without exudation in the root canal";
- 2005 - specialty “General Dentistry”;
- 1997 - specialty “Therapeutic dentistry” (Operative dentistry and Endodontics);
- 1993 - Graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Sofia.
Postgraduate Specialization - Application of Fiber reinforced resin composite materials - Finland 2009, Endodontics - Germany 2010, 2019, Portugal 2013, Austria 2014, Minimal Invasive Preparation in Aesthetic Dental Medicine - Vienna 2019.
Scientific degree: "PhD" (2012)
Academic titles and positions:
- 2015 and currently - Associate Professor at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine (FDM) - Sofia;
- 2002-2015 - Chief Assistant Professor (FDM-Sofia);
- 2006-2015 - Chief Administrative Assistant Professor (FDM-Sofia);
- 2000-2002 - Senior Assistant Professor (FDM-Sofia);
- 2000-2006 - responsibility for scientific activity at Department of Conservative Dentistry;
- December 1993 - March 2000 – Assistant Professor (FDM-Sofia)
Teaching activity:
- Lectures and practical exercises at the Pre-Clinic and Clinic of Conservative Dentistry in Bulgarian and English;
- Examiner of practical and theoretical exams at the Pre-Clinic and Clinic of Conservative Dentistry in Bulgarian and English;
- Examiner of state exams;
- Supervisor of postgraduate students;
- Development of tests and clinical tasks for undergraduate student;
- Accredited Lecturer of the Bulgarian Dental Association. Since 2009 - lectures and practical courses in Continuing Dental Education;
- Co-author of books on pharmacology for medicine and dental medicine students;
- Co-author of a book: Radeva E., R. Vasileva. Acute periodontitis - clinic, diagnosis and treatment guidelines. Sofia, 2013, 2016;
- Author of the book "Aspects of endodontic pain", Direct Services, Sofia 2020;
- Co-author of student books - Marinova M., E. Radeva. “Endodontics. Practical guidelines”, Sofia 2021 (in Bulgarian), Sofia 2022 (in English).
Scientific activity:
- Publications - more than 90 scientific publications in Bulgarian and International scientific journals;
- Participation in scientific forums - over 64 reports in scientific forums, 42 of which are international;
- Citations: over 190, of which more than 145 are in International Scientific Journals;
- Scientific leader of the Endodontics Student Club -3, Participation in Student Club - 5;
- Leading researcher of 6 scientific projects at MU-Sofia, as a member of a research team in 4;
- Since 2002 - Scientific Secretary of the Journal of Dental Medicine – an edition of the Bulgarian Scientific Dental Association;
- Reviewer of articles for Bulgarian and International Journals, and research projects;
- Google scholar h-index – 7.
Membership of professional organizations:
- Bulgarian Dental Association (BgDA), Bulgarian Scientific Dental Association (BSDA), European Society of Endodontology (ESE), Balkan Stomatologycal Society (BaSS);
- 2022 – member a work commissions to the BgDA working in collaboration with Ministry of Health;
- 2022 – delegate to the FDI Assebly;
- 2017-2022 - Chairman of the Editorial Board of Journal “DentaMedica”;
- 2017-2022 - Vice President of the Communication Commitee of the BgDA;
- since 2014 - Member of the Editorial Board of the BgDA;
- since 2013 - Member of the Professional Ethics Commission of the Sofia Regional College of the Bulgarian Dental Association;
- since 2013 – delegate to the BgDA congress;
- since 2009 - delegate to the General Assembly of the Sofia Regional College of the BgDA;
- since 2007 - delegate of the General Assembly of MU-Sofia.